Fees for Various Inspection

Fees for Various Inspection

Inspection Fee Details

Inspection Type Fees
1. Establishment of New Medical College for MBBS i) Rs. 5 lakhs for 50 seats ii) Rs. 10 lakhs for 100 seats iii) Rs. 15 lakhs for 150 seats
2. Starting of PG / Higher Courses in Medical Colleges Rs. 5 lakhs upto to 4 seats & Rs. 1 lakh/seat for more than 4 seats.
3. Increase of admission capacity at UG / PG level UG- Rs. 5 lakhs for 50 seats. PG- Rs. 5 lakhs/Subject upto to 4 seats & Rs. 1 lakh/seat for more than 4 seats.
4. Recognition/verification of each compliance for U.G.courses Rs. 3,00,000/-
5. Recognition/verification of each compliance for PG courses. Rs. 75,000/-
6. Annual Inspection/Affiliation of UG courses Rs. 3,00,000/-
7. Annual Inspection/Affiliation of PG courses Rs. 50,000/-
8. Name Change i) College ii) University Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 50,000/-
9. University Change Rs. 50,000/-
10. Appeal Fee 10% of Application fee or 10 % of monetary fine and others Rs. 25,000/-