3. Ongoing Faculty Development Programs


3. Ongoing Faculty Development Programs

The following Faculty Development Programs are ongoing in 2019-20:

3a. Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies (rBCW)

This program has been ongoing since 2009 though the contents have undergone periodic revisions, keeping in mind the changing needs of faculty and advances in medical education. The Program schedule is given as Annexure III.

3b. Training in Attitude, Ethics Communication (AETCOM) module

In 2015, teaching of the AETCOM module (Annexure IV) was mandatorily introduced in the FDP after conduct of each 3-day revised Basic Course Workshop, with competency based instruction as a component, initially at the Regional and Nodal Centres and since 2018, in all Faculty Development Programs held in colleges, Regional and Nodal Centres. The module was published in 2018 and is available on NMC Website.

The AETCOM module endeavors to strike a balance between the five identified roles of an ‘Indian Medical Graduate (IMG)’ viz; Clinician, Leader and Member of health care team, Communicator, Life-long learner and Professional, right from the first professional year of training. This module is based on the premise that changing a person's attitude can change his/her behavior. This module consists of various competency-based case scenarios to be conducted in small groups in the class rooms. The proposed teaching-learning and assessment methods for implementation of this module are also given across the three professional years. It was envisaged that the successful implementation of the AETCOM module will be the forerunner of the transition to competency based undergraduate medical education program proposed by and implemented now by the Regulator.

3c. Curriculum Implementation Support Program (CISP)

The revision of the Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum to the competency pattern in 2018 required focused training of faculty in the medical colleges on the content and nuances of the new competency based curriculum, sequentially and seamlessly by the experts advising the Academic Cell, thereafter to the Medical Education faculty in Nodal and Regional Centres and finally to the faculty in medical colleges. Considerable logistical and educational handholding was provided in a well-planned CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT PROGRAM I (CISP I; Annexure V) which was executed meticulously by the Resource faculty in the Nodal and Regional Centres who additionally supervised the conduct of CISP I in the colleges. Participants included faculty from pre-, para-, clinical and surgical departments in the ratio of 10:10:5:5 for teaching the integrated curriculum.

During the second year of implementation of the competency based UG curriculum, the program of CISP I was tweaked to include subjects which were part of the second year of the Competency based UG curriculum and CISP II is of two-days duration (Annexure VI) and is under implementation from 01-02-2020, mainly in the on-line mode due to COVID-19 pandemic.